Monday, August 19, 2019

Favorite Places: The Best of Both Countries

Why choose one when you could choose two? Although India and Poland seem to be polar opposites, they are the two places I want to visit so badly. 

 Akshardham Temple in Delhi, India By Russ Bowling                      

As a religious studies major, I love to learn about how countries are influenced by religions, and I have to admit that the influence of religion in India is by far one of the most fascinating in my opinion. My love for India and it's culture started far before my decision to become a religious studies major. When I was a young girl, I read a book series Tiger's Curse by Colleen Houck. Long story short, I finished the entire series in two days. I hope that one day in the future I can visit, along with my cousin who also fell in love with the culture through books.
   Akshardham Temple in Delhi, India By Russ Bowling


Poland Coat of Arms

Poland may seem like a strange place for a twenty-one year old girl to choose as a desired place to visit, and I cannot say that it is a normal choice. However, Poland holds a special place in my heart. My boyfriend is Polish and his mother immigrated to the U.S. from Poland when she was only 18. His family is very set in their traditions and although I am still learning, I fell in love with their culture and language. My boyfriend had a difficult time regarding mental illness two summers ago, and after spending nearly two months in Poland, his entire life changed for the better. I can honestly say that I feel like I owe this beautiful country my boyfriend's life. We "joke" about having a honeymoon in Poland, but both of us know in hour hearts that we most likely will go there after all.  


  1. It is so fun to see both India and Poland here, Megan! And are you thinking of doing a Polish project for this class...? Someone did a project with folktales from the Śląsk / Silesia: you might take a look at that to see how it turned out; I really liked it! Tales from Silesia
    With links in Blogger (which is different from Google Sites... you'd think they'd be the same, but they're not: weird!), you can create link text and not show the URL; that's easier on the eyes, esp. for long web addresses. So your link here could be: Flickr. You can give that style a try in your next post and see how it works.

  2. Hello! I absolutely loved reading your reasoning behind why you admire Poland so much. It was very cool to see that Poland basically saved your boyfriend's life, and that would be a very cool story to see unfold if you took your honeymoon there as well! Congrats on pursing your interests and following your dreams/heart in all that you do!

  3. Hi Megan!

    I also think it would be really cool to visit India! I am taking Introduction to Hinduism this semester and I think the culture really is fascinating. I think it would be really cool to experience it in person. Poland sounds cool as well. I hope you and your boyfriend do get to go there together one day.

  4. Hi Megan,

    I've never thought about visiting India but it is pretty interesting now that you mention it. That's pretty cool you wanted to visit India from reading a book when you were young and still want to do it. India and Poland are polar opposites indeed. Sorry to hear your boyfriend struggled with mental illness but I'm glad he got better. Good luck this semester!
