Thursday, August 22, 2019

Time Strategies

After looking at The Myth of "Too Busy" and 3 Steps to Recapture again, I can honestly say that my time management skills have really improved. I unfortunately had to take the MCAT this past summer in order to apply to medical school, and so my time management had to be nearly perfect. I had to juggle 15 hours of my classes at OU along with 12 hours a week of MCAT online classes for over four months. My sanity was tested, but time management ultimately was my saving grace in keeping my mind sharp and my mental health decent. Comparing my past time management skills to the current, I can say that these who articles just solidified my confidence that I am moving in the right direction.

Image result for time management quotes


  1. Hey Megan!
    I love your discussion about how time management really can make such a huge difference in our day to day lives. That is so impressive that you balanced 15 hours of school along with 12 hours of studying a week! I am studying right now for the GRE and am attempting to do the same thing. I hope you did great on the MCAT, I am sure all your hard work payed off!

  2. Hi Megan!
    I am glad I chose to comment on this post, because I am planning on taking the MCAT this spring and I am extremely nervous. I hope my time management skills will be helpful for me and maybe I should look into the articles that you read to help my skills improve too!! I am nervous that I will go insane from studying so much.. ahhh... it's coming up quick!!
