Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Feedback Thoughts

Growth-From the Feedback Padlet

John Spencer's Seven Ways to Crush Self-Doubt: There were some really great points in this article that I could completely relate to. First of all, I always compare myself to others. I have found that as I get older I have been better at not comparing myself to others, but I still do it quite often. Perfectionism sort of follows that line of growth, but like I said, I am doing better as I get older. I am fairly good at being vulnerable and embracing growth mindsets, so at least I have control over a couple of helpful tips. Setting goals within my control is also something that I take pride in, but the final two tips are the things I need to work on the most. Those include treating my work like an experiment, and trusting myself. Hopefully as this semester progresses I can work on these things. 

Joel Almeida's Rewire Your Self Critical Brain: There was some really good advice in how REBS can help you to focus on treating setbacks as just a temporary blip. REBS stands for reality-based self-congratulation. It was helpful to think of it as rebelling against your harsh/critical self. When you think of rebelling, you want to associate it with a negative thing, but in this case it is a positive. Overall, you can look at life in the present if you just follow some fairly simple steps. Lastly, I appreciate how the article ends with saying that everyone is worthy of respect and love.

Life can be really difficult, and sometimes hearing the reality from yourself and others can be really challenging. As someone who suffers with anxiety and depression, I have had to learn a lot of methods to make sure I stay grounded and know the reality of the situation. It is easy to get down on yourself, but it also isn't as difficult as it seems to smile. 

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