Monday, August 26, 2019

Topic Brainstorm

One: My first idea, that I am very excited about, brings together my love of storytelling and the medical field. I would like to create "patient charts" for characters in stories. Just like in the E.R. I would write down the stories of the characters and diagnose them with things such as happiness, love, or death depending on the stories ending. With this, I would have the opportunity to choose stories from all categories and play with my medical knowledge as well as have fun with original stories.

Two: For this example I would focus on the Biblical Saints of Christianity. I would basically create a site for people or animals in need. I would connect the different nonprofits around the world to each saint and essentially make the saints the face of said organizations. For example, Saint Francis would represent the homeless community. Therefore, his page would be all about homeless shelters. I would connect the original stories by using them as examples of people who he had helped benefit from the services of his organization that he represents. 

Three: This topic would be a version that was inspired by Mickey's House of Villains.  As I was babysitting three little girls, I realized that the show they were watching could help me to create my project. Like my first topic, I would be able to use whatever stories I wanted in this project, as I would focus only on the villains of each story. I would create each page by rewriting the original stories not only from the view point of the villains, but also that made them appear more relatable. The villains will complain about how their opponents are annoying and receive praise for no good reasons. 

Four: For this last example, I would essentially create an online recipe book for certain endings. For example, if a story ends with marriage, then the recipe for love would be a "dash of fate that leads to Mary being forced to the palace," and then a "pinch of a couple days of nursing the Basilisk." Again, I would be able to use just about any story I would like, which would allow for my project to not only be diverse in storybook endings, but also in culture as well. 

Image result for a recipe
The Recipe OpenClipart-Vectors

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